Friday, January 18, 2013

dear blog

last few years too much emotional writing
so i apologize..
take a bow.....
Now 2013,
waaaaargh da bnyak tahun berlalu...
soklan cepu emas adakah susah ingin berdikari...
many options to avoid from becoming jobless..
i got a part time work ..
but for a while kept thinking till when for this condition must happen...
too many responsibility must be carried....
urgh too much pain for becoming adults..
i still finding the correct path to learn and becoming adults...
hope for the best, plans for the best but ALLAH deciding for the best...
so have hopefully my faith kept stronger..

salam 2013

Pada tahun baru ini lebih banyak azam baru..
i wish dpt kerjaya yg more stable..
i wish dpt kumpul more valueable asset..